Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tech Tip - EF Falcon No Start

Hi again.
Well it has been a while since my last tip, so here's one to put in your memory bank that could save you a lot of headaches in the future!
When faced with a Falcon that has starting problems we often go for the BCM (or BEM) for the usual Smartlock issue, but on the EF model there could be something else causing this symptom... something definately outside the square!
If you are faced with an EF Falcon that fails to start and all other areas have been covered and you think there is nothing else to replace, try replacing the starter motor. Right now you are probably thinking that I am crazy because it cranks over fine so the starter must be ok! Well this is where thinking outside the square comes in.
The problem could be that the starter motor is inducing noise into the Crank Angle Sensor signal, thereby making it unrecognisable to the ECU. One tell-tale of this problem is a small kick when you release the key as if the engine wants to start. This is because as you take away the source of the noise (the starter) the ECU now can see the CAS signal and it fires the injectors and spark. Unfortunatley you no longer have the drive from the starter to get it going so all you end up with is a small kick, which is quite often not enough to start the engine.
Although it might not be the fault in your case, it's worth thinking about next time you are presented with this problem.

Until next time,

The Doctor.

Got any questions of your own?......